Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Friday, October 22, 2010

well, guys can be total man whores! so in my last post i told you all that we broke up... not even 12 HOURS he finds someone else to go out with.... 12 HOURS!!!! like i know you gotta move on but, have some self respect dude!

done with that rant! :D

I've been actually having a good day! me and my choir kicked butt in our first concert, I found out I have a solid 3.8 GPA (without even trying xD)I get to go shopping tomorrow :)I'm gonna see the midnight showing of the new harry potter movie with my dad in November and I'm sipping a warm, yummy pumpkin spice latte, life is GOOD~! :D

more thoughts later!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

.... and it all falls down

there are some decisions in life that are REALLY hard to make, they're the decisions that could potentially change your life for better, or for worse. I had to make one today, it was REALLY big... I had to decide if i wanted to break up with my boyfriend... and i did, I had been feeling like something wasn't quite right. and I know that no relationship is perfect, but something wasn't right and i didn't feel very safe. and I kinda missed the freedom of being single. my friends are prolly mad at me and they're allowed to be. I was gonna wait a little longer until I was gonna break up with him.. but it was painful, like i thought i was gonna be sick each time he looked at me because i knew he loved me and I just couldn't love him back. not the way he did. but there were boundaries crossed, i never verbalized them, but how can you say "you're loving me too much, can you stop?" it's weird.. you know? but the relationship was too... close i guess is the word i'm looking for. it felt like we were joined at the hip a lot. and if you know me in real life you'd know how independent i am and that i need space. I'm not used to having to hold someone's hand (not literally) all the time, I'm not used to having to basically take care of something that seems so delicate that it'll break... it's hard... really hard....

Monday, October 18, 2010

ugh... my phone went through the wash... crossing my fingers that it survives!!!! (I'm prolly gonna have more short sweet and to the point blog posts like this cuz I'm REALLY busy!)