Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Life's a bitch

Soo... I finally was able to connect with my friend that Ive been missing.. Shes not doing too well... She was in the hospital Thursday, I had no idea. The doctors arent sure whats wrong with her, but they think it mightve been a mini stroke. One of my best friends mightve had a mini stroke! Its really also kind of eye opening for me, many times Im like: "my life sucks, i hate being alive right now" but my friend has been through so much shit that it makes my life seem like flipping Disneyland!
I dunno.. Im just really worried about her because 1) shes starting to isolate herself, 2) shes seemed extremely depressed lately, and 3) I really dont wanna lose this girl, shes honestly my closest friend and if ANYTHING happened to her.... Ah, I dont even wanna go there right now. I just wish she knew how much I cared! my friendship with her is really very important to me, shes able to change my perspective of things, she really gets me, and I dont get that with other people..
Anyways, life can be a serious bitch and I wish something really good would happen to my friend, its like she cant get a break.. She doesnt deserve what life has given her.

(if anyone actually reads this: forgive me for my complete and utter loss of punctuation)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just a thought

So, lately iv'e been thinking about some random shit, especially when im about to go to sleep... Its like every night I feel like I havent done anything worthwile that day. Its the same thing every day: wake up, try to look pretty, go to school for 8 hours, 3 hours of musical rehersal, go home, eat, then sleep. Sometimes it varies but its pretty much the same EVERY. SINGLE. DAY... and i wonder, am i really doing anything with my life? Im going to school, so i can go to school for another 4-6 years, so i can have a job, so i can follow another pointless rouine for the rest of my life..... God thats depressing... But i guess the point of life is to keep from falling into something like that, to make the most of life and to be able to go to sleep with the knowledge that you really have done something with your life.