Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Life's a bitch

Soo... I finally was able to connect with my friend that Ive been missing.. Shes not doing too well... She was in the hospital Thursday, I had no idea. The doctors arent sure whats wrong with her, but they think it mightve been a mini stroke. One of my best friends mightve had a mini stroke! Its really also kind of eye opening for me, many times Im like: "my life sucks, i hate being alive right now" but my friend has been through so much shit that it makes my life seem like flipping Disneyland!
I dunno.. Im just really worried about her because 1) shes starting to isolate herself, 2) shes seemed extremely depressed lately, and 3) I really dont wanna lose this girl, shes honestly my closest friend and if ANYTHING happened to her.... Ah, I dont even wanna go there right now. I just wish she knew how much I cared! my friendship with her is really very important to me, shes able to change my perspective of things, she really gets me, and I dont get that with other people..
Anyways, life can be a serious bitch and I wish something really good would happen to my friend, its like she cant get a break.. She doesnt deserve what life has given her.

(if anyone actually reads this: forgive me for my complete and utter loss of punctuation)

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