Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring break

My life has been falling together pretty nicely lately. Me and my sister are GETTING ALONG (Gasp! did hell freeze over or something?) I really don't have any drama going on, my parents divorce isn't bugging me anymore, I know what I want to be when I grow up, (this makes me really excited!) and yeah. life is good!

So, I wanna talk about what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be an Occupational Therapist. These types of therapists work with people who have sensory integration disorder (known as "SI" to the therapists), and a few other things but I'll use myself as an example since I have a mild case of SI: I can't stand balloons, I'm afraid they'll pop and the noise a balloon makes when it pops makes me want to cry. I also can't wash dishes, it makes me want to puke. and finally I am a HUGELY picky eater, I can't stand certian textures (soups and salads are the bane of my existance) but Occupational therapists help you kinda get over that, or help you live with it. But what REALLY fascinates me is how they treat kids. They basically play with them! I shadowed a therapy place for kids... Oh my gosh, it was like my heaven on earth! I LOVE working with kids! and that's your job all day every day! haha I could deal with that!

But other than the epiphany I had about what I wanna be my Spring break has been lazy and laid back, not do nothing ALL the time but it's not rushed with all this "oh my god! I need to do this and that and the other thing in the next hour!" kinda thing. one other thing: after I think a week or so of nice weather and no-snowness Ohio decided to plop a huge thing of snow on us yesterday and it's almost melted... why do I live in such a bipolar state??

More thoughts later.

(P.s it was the 1 year mark of my grandpa's death this past Sunday, it's also the 1 year mark of my blog!)

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