Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

UGH! I did it again!

I TOTALLY forgot about blogging!!! I'msorryi'msorryi'mohsosorry!!!!!!!! unfortunately I haven't had anything exciting happening lately... I have a job.... oh! I've started this 5 week workout thing! (insert excited jazz hands here) I'm on week 2 now, the first week kinda kicked my butt but now its relatively easy... except the cardio workouts kick your butt.. and they can be extremely painful... yeah... soon I will be going on 7 months without a boyfriend.. I'm kinda proud of myself and kinda lonely at the same time it's like "hey! I've survived almost 7 months without a man! hear me roar!" combined with me having a hard time watching chick flicks cuz they ALWAYS LIVE FRIKKIN HAPPILY EVER AFTER....... WITH A MAN! and it's always... disappointing for me cus it's the whole "why can't I have that?" and you remind yourself it's only a movie but you still wanna have SOMETHING like that...UGH! yeah.... I'm gonna stop my ranting and move on to more important things now. unfortunately other than my guy problems I have nothing more to write about so.. ciao

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