Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sulking about summer

So, I have no idea what to talk about today.. yet I feel extremely obligated to blog SOMETHING... where this urge to randomly blog comes from... I have NO idea... but my life is extremely boring at the moment.. I am boyfriendless, I am not going anywhere super exciting until the END of summer and unfortunately I don't have the ability to have some random adventure in my hometown because it's SO BORING!!!! my life right now kinda feels like the lyrics to "bigcitydreams" by Nevershoutnever! they are as follows:
"We've got it good
Whether you like this town or not
I know it's small but with a big head
it's bound to get hot
In the summer
But the summer is a bummer
If you can't leave
This pathetic excuse for a town"

yes, my town has like... no crime or any reason to live in fear, but it seriously is boring here... I think the Jaycee fair (which is a fair that totally rips you off and cost a HUGE amount of money to do anything) and the 4th of July fireworks are the most exciting things my town has to offer during the summer... I'm sorry for being such a downer in this post but I WANNA DO SOMETHING EXCITING THIS SUMMER!!!!!!!!! grr....

well.... today I ate an ice cream sandwich in the shape of a fish (seriously, YUM!) and I had dried squid...(not yum...) unfortunately I was feeling adventurous today and while I was searching for something crazy to eat I came across a bag of dried squid and I though "man! that looks awesome! I'll try it!" as soon as I opened the bag it smelled like the ocean... not the "ahhhhh, the ocean..." relaxing smell it was like the "ugh..... the ocean" dead fish kinda smell... and the taste was... very.... overpowering is the right word... as soon as I took a bite of it I felt like I had been whacked in the face with a big bag of dead fish... yeah...

So while I sulk over how boring my summer is I'll try to find something interesting to write about... or possibly DO something interesting to write about (gasp! is it possible?!)

more thoughts later~

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