Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Conversations over coffe are awesome

Happy 100th post!!!! yay!!!!!

So, Today I had one of the most fantastic days ever. I met a friend that I haven't seen all summer and had coffee, we started talking and OH. MY. GOSH. she was AMAZING to talk to! we started having a REALLY deep conversation (something I've wanted from someone my age in FOREVER) unlike my group of friends she didn't shut down on me when we got to some really sensitive stuff, she was very open and WE BOTH GOT TO TALK! it wasn't all about me and it wasn't all about her, it was perfect... words cannot describe how fulfilling this conversation was... it was just... deep and just, so cleansing. I was biking home from having coffee and my soul just felt a billion times lighter. It's one thing to talk to someone older and "wiser" about stuff that's happened in the past and relating to it, but it's another thing to talk to someone my age and just to be completely 100% able to relate to things... ah... It was FANTASTIC!

just thought you should know :)

more thoughts later~

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