Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I hope no one reads this...

At least I hope none of my friends do... cuz I'm gonna talk about them....
As my life has gone on and I've been I guess... finding myself or whatever, Ive found that the more I learn about me, the less I REALLY know... and I think I know why.. It's my friends.. Don't get me wrong, I REALLY love them, I REALLY, REALLY do but it's almost like they're holding me back without knowing it. and this doesn't go for all of my friends, just a vast majority of them. It's really hard to become your authentic self when every time you're with your friends you're ridiculed. I know they don't mean it to be mean, but I don't like being called a dork for liking British TV shows and Broadway musicals. I don't like being called a nerd for actually liking books and having a GPA higher than a 3.0 OR for actually ENJOYING school (gasp! the horror!) and not moping around complaining how much I hate it. I don't like being told that my music I like is stupid and I should listen to songs where people are screaming like pigs about death and killing themselves. I don't like how I can't have a freaking intellectual conversation with basically ANY of my friends. I don't like that none of my friends care about how my life is going. I don't like that because I won't go out with any of the 5 guys that have asked me out I'm called a bitch. I don't like that the only people who REALLY understand me are my mom and a girl I've hung out with ONCE. I don't like how my friends have NO self-esteem and it makes me feel like a jerk because I DO. I don't like how my friends joke about how weak I am. I don't like how I'm basically made fun of EVERY SINGLE FREAKING DAY because I actually CARE how I do in school, I CARE about myself, I CARE ABOUT LIFE!


wow... this got really angry, really fast... but anyways.. I'm thinking I might need to find a couple new friends that can help me with my dilemma... all I can do now is pray that I can find some...

1 comment:

  1. If this is how your friends treat you, then why even call them your friends? They don't deserve the title of your friend. Who cares about them? Stop hanging out with them and stop giving them your time. It doesn't matter how many friends you have, you just need a few quality friends.

    PS: British TV Shows and Broadway Musicals Rock.

    PPS: School can be fun at times :)
