Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I missed you!

Hello dear blog! Its been a while! And i am so sorry :'( i feel like I've cheated! Ive been pretty active in tumblr and school that i forgot about you! (sad, i know!) but it just wasn't the same! I haven't had a place where i can just spill all my feelings and not feel totally self-centered about it... But here i CAN do that! You're like an ex boyfriend that after a while you miss and just always go back to, you were my first love dear blog! So anyways, I'm gonna talk about my life now...
Life has been boring and stressful at the same time. Boring because there isn't anything interesting, fun, or exciting that has really happened to me since i went to south Carolina a few months ago (i went with keely:D). But its been stressful because of school, classes have been getting harder and more intense (so has the workload) and i came across one of the most evil, horrible teachers i have ever met in my whole life... My Spanish teacher. Now dear blog, you may be saying to yourself "oh shes just an overreacting teen, whatever!" but no joke, if the devil was a girl with a super heavy Colombian accent, it would be her. And blog, keep in mind that i NEVER feel this way about teachers! But this teacher is a flat out bully!!! She picks on kids, tells the class how "sad" or "pathetic" we are. She even went to such lengths by asking me if i did my homework hungover b/c it wasn't perfect!!! And i am NOT exaggerating this :/ but it all was an unpleasant affair and now I'm dropping the class at the end of the semester *insert hallelujah chorus here*
Im also going through the whole stereotypical high school pains of i dont really BELONG anywhere, im a drifter who flits between different groups because i dont really fit into any place.. Its really very frustrating! I thought i was over this last year.. But of course i "outgrew" my old friends so im like "just let me belong somewhere! I dont like being a loner!!!!" cuz you know, im that kid who stands in the corner because im not quite brave enough to say hi or join a conversation because im seriously afraid of being judged by other people and im shy... I dont like it! And of course with my luck ill find some group of friends im comfortable with and then itll be time to graduate! :(
I do have one friend, keely, but we havent talked a lot, she has a lot of bad stuff going on in her life so when i try to talk to her, she doesnt really open up or respond... I really miss talking with her all the time, i understand her situation and stuff but... I miss talking with one of my closest friends!
So thats me! A big ball of stress and a loner! What else is new? :P
Ahhh typing about my life is so wonderful! I really missed you my dear blog!!!!!!

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