Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good friday

hello blog!

it's been nearly a week since I've last written (but I've thought of writing several times) but before I write anything important, my modeling audition was a scam and a waste of 5+ hours... shame :'(

So today is a day known to my catholic family as Good Friday, which is why I think basically all schools get today off, so we can pray. We're praying today 'cuz Jesus died on this day. What's supposed to happen (in the Catholic tradition) is today is a day of fasting and prayer and at 3 pm we are silent and then pray on the Rosary "for the sake of his sorrowful passion". But since my straight laced Catholic family is really no longer a seriously practicing Catholic family since my parents got divorced, my mom's taking the kids to day care so she can go to work, I'm going to a friends house and my sister is at my dads house. So on my end, I'm gonna be having a grand old time stuffing my face and being a crazy person while the rest of my religion mourns the death of Jesus. Yeah, thats just the way I roll I guess...

Another thing that I'd like to tell you bolg is out of all my friends I'm the only one that's gone for almost 4 months w/o dating ANYONE... and I'm kinda lonely I guess. Sure, I have the company of my awesome friends but.. I kinda would like to have a boyfriend again... someone who's not a jerk.. yeah....

more thoughts later

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