Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

my long weekend with Dr. Who

so for the duration of my 4 day weekend this is what I've done:

Hung out with a friend
went to a sweet 16 birthday party at chuck-e-cheese's
stuffed my face with candy
won $2 in my dads easter egg hunt
got a job at a local greenhouse (yay!)
but what I spent the most time doing, out of ANYTHING here... because I'm a dork and am still trying to grow out of my antisocial-ness (but this does not help in ANY way)... is watching Dr. Who... I love that show, I really do.. the writers are brilliant and often make my jaw drop at how creative they are..I for one am NOT a fan of alien movies or believe in aliens or am an alien fanatic/enthusiast. But I AM a fan of a hot guy traveling through time and space in a blue police box that's bigger on the inside because it's a Time And Relative Dimension In Space (TARDIS) and saving the universe from alien invasions or other things that are (in our world) impossible... yeah... I wouldn't mind THAT being reality.. but I think in the duration of this 4 day weekend I saw the end of the universe... I think around 3 times... saw the ending I always wanted for a certain character (but not at all in the way I expected it) and basically satisfied my extreme dorkiness...well, time to go to school!

more thoughts later <3

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