Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Back to school

So.... school has started, I have to say I have a feeling this year is gonna kick my butt! It's only been 3 days and one of my teachers has already assigned a quiz for next week! I'm gonna have to get used to studying now :P

But an upside to school is I've already been asked to homecoming~ It's my friend Tony, I've dated him once but I think he likes me again :P I'm honestly not interested in dating him, at all... but I AM interested in having a date to homecoming!!! it made me so excited :D I think he's one of the only guys that I'm not interested in dating but would be totally comfortable as having a date to Homecoming, he's one of my best guy friends and I think he's pretty cool so I'm pretty thrilled to go with him!!

Another upside to school is I have choir with TWO guys I like!!! It's so awesome!!! My friend convinced me to try to talk to one of them on Monday, I REALLY hope one of them likes me (maybe not now, but in the near future) because I know I'm not ugly but I'm not the cookie cutter girl who has the same hair as everyone and the same designer cloths (or knockoffs) but they always get the guys... it makes me so mad, like, why would you want to date someone who looks almost exactly the same as the next girl? And I know I have personality, I'm just shy at first :P It's so confusing cuz I get told by people I hardly even know (normally adults) that "oh you're so GORGEOUS! you should be a MODEL!" and maybe its just an adult thing but I hardly get the time of day from the people I WANT to have attracted to me, I just get exes and creepers :(


more thoughts later!

Monday, August 22, 2011

I'M BAAAACK! & 1300 things to be grateful for, week 4/5

hey there! I'm back from Florida! I miss it already :( It's so cold here compared to Florida... it's like getting out of the hot tub and jumping into a pool of ice water... brrrr.
But I had a FANTASTIC time, I hope I can go again someday. It truly was an awesome experience! I think I might post a few videos or something that me and my friend made so you can see how insane we were.... yeah... good memories.. hehe :) onto the list of things to be grateful for!!!!

51: Florida!
52: Butterbeer
53: Fish and Chips... DELICIOUS!
54: the incredible magical experience of universal and Disney
55: how much love my family showed me when I got home, even if it lasted only for a few minutes
56: Dylan Saunders and his incredibly sexy voice when he sings this song

Thursday, August 11, 2011

1300 things to be grateful for, week 3. VACATION!!!!

hey there world!!! I'm in Bluefeild West Virginia on vacation.... I'm leaving for Florida in... 2 days!!!! I'm so excited! I'm on a vacation with a friend to Florida with NO FAMILY AT ALL' WHATSOEVER! it's crazy!!! Last night I stayed up until 5 watching the musical "starship" on youtube... it was AWESOME! it's about a bug on an alien planet who wants to be a starship ranger, SO funny, cute and epic!!! :)

so I'm gonna do my week 3 of 1300 things to be grateful for now!

41. creative geniuses who make witty musicals
42. the amazing invention of the webcam, may it entertain bored teens for years to come
43. Surprise vacations
44. long road trips that feel crazy short
45. Being able to sing Lady GAGA's "poker face" at 4 in the morning
46. Bugs that sing how they wanna be starship rangers
47. Fun songs that get stuck in your head
48. Glee, for showing me old songs that I now love and sing along with
49. cute puppies who are ADORABLE!!
50. that magical moment when you and your friend wake up at EXACTLY the same moment.

I may possibly post videos instead of writing posts (maybe)
so look forward to that!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

1300 things to be greatful for, week 3

31. the calming hum of cicadas in the middle of the day
32. money to buy new clothes
33. Friends, old and new
34. poetry
35. the many people who inspire me
36. crickets in the early hours of the night
37. internet that works
38. my little sister, who is teaching me how to become a better oldest sister
39. books, and their endless amounts of entertainment
40. pants that fit perfectly