Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Back to school

So.... school has started, I have to say I have a feeling this year is gonna kick my butt! It's only been 3 days and one of my teachers has already assigned a quiz for next week! I'm gonna have to get used to studying now :P

But an upside to school is I've already been asked to homecoming~ It's my friend Tony, I've dated him once but I think he likes me again :P I'm honestly not interested in dating him, at all... but I AM interested in having a date to homecoming!!! it made me so excited :D I think he's one of the only guys that I'm not interested in dating but would be totally comfortable as having a date to Homecoming, he's one of my best guy friends and I think he's pretty cool so I'm pretty thrilled to go with him!!

Another upside to school is I have choir with TWO guys I like!!! It's so awesome!!! My friend convinced me to try to talk to one of them on Monday, I REALLY hope one of them likes me (maybe not now, but in the near future) because I know I'm not ugly but I'm not the cookie cutter girl who has the same hair as everyone and the same designer cloths (or knockoffs) but they always get the guys... it makes me so mad, like, why would you want to date someone who looks almost exactly the same as the next girl? And I know I have personality, I'm just shy at first :P It's so confusing cuz I get told by people I hardly even know (normally adults) that "oh you're so GORGEOUS! you should be a MODEL!" and maybe its just an adult thing but I hardly get the time of day from the people I WANT to have attracted to me, I just get exes and creepers :(


more thoughts later!

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