Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Computer is out of commision :(

So, I've been in school for a few weeks now, it's been crazy! I THINK I'm enjoying myself... not sure though.. the huge workload I have from homework is putting a damper on everything (yesterday I had 7 hours of homework!) and the worst part is I don't have computer access except for at my dad's house! we had a thunder storm and it was REALLY bad and we later found out that it fried our computer and whatever connects us to the internet... sucks for me!

In other news my friend just got out of the hospital, she attempted suicide and was hospitalized.... it was crazy.. I ended up telling her I couldn't be her friend until she started caring about her life so yeah..... I'm going to postpone my 1300 things to be grateful for until I have more regular computer access :)

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