Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Friday, April 30, 2010

it's so insane!

wow, since I last posted (which feels like forever ago) I got strep... I'm still not feeling very well but I'll survive xD I wanna thank my friend Brent for keeping me company while I was sick (texting is very convenient :D) so I didn't go COMPLETELY insane :)

did I mention I went to Columbus in my last post? if not... I went to Columbus last weekend and I can't wait to go again!!!

also Elyse is coming to visit!!! hopefully I won't pass out at the mall or anything when we hang out, still not feeling very well :P

well... I've run outta things to say....
I miss you my amazing friends!!!
...I'm gonna go pass out now...
BYE!!! :D

Monday, April 26, 2010


wow, it's been so crazy since I last posted, the retreat was actually pretty fun :) I can't believe I regretted going!

this weekend I went to Columbus and met the Ratliffs, great family, can't wait to see them again!

but anyways, on to the crazy part where I try to tell you as much stuff as I can before my bus comes to pick me up!

anyways, I broke up with my boyfriend last night... I think it was a bit unfair since HE didn't do anything wrong this was an all me decision, and believe me, it was a hard one. I'm really taking a chance with this because I still REALLY want to be friends with him, but I dunno that it would work out like that, he was really hurt... and I'm upset to, cuz I don't like to hurt people! It's just... not in my nature I guess.. and I think I just kinda lost a best friend.. so I cried last night and... yeah... this whole thing is driving me crazy, I wish I could curl up into a ball and sleep the rest of the school year, but I know that if I think like that I'll get depressed again, and that's not a good thing. so I'm going to face today with open arms and let God do his work, I'll just need extra prayers

love you all :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

news news news

so! I'm going to a WONDERFUL chruch retreat *rolls eyes* I WANTED to go to Grandpa's memorial clown show thing on Saturday but NOOOO I have to go to a conformation church camp!!!! I'm SOOO bummed :'( so I'm leaving 5 pm tonight and I'll be back around the same time sunday :( I am NOT looking forward to this...


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Paper mosaic video

HAH! I found me and mary!!! we are at exactly 0:03 in the video xD for like a millisecond :P it took me forever to find it xD

haha YAY! my (less than) five seconds of fame :)
hope you liked it xD

AH! sorry!!!!

I haven't posted in 4 whole days!!! *gasp*

haha actually, I've been doing school and all that wonderfulness :/ so today was rainy and cold so I pulled out my heaviest hoodie (which was a Glenoak hoodie btw) so everyone was like "ooh! why are you wearing a Glenoak hoodie?? you go to Hoover!!" but it was kinda ridiculous... hah, it wasn't even MY hoodie xD


I went to my sister's spring concert today and it was ok... besides the fact that they were 5th graders suffering extreme stage fright. I think it was kinda funny that their choir director (who is a VERY nice woman!) thought 60's songs were from my parents childhood/teenage years... which was SOMEWHAT correct... my mom was BORN in 1965... so.... she didn't really REMEMBER the songs, she just knew them 'cuz they were famous xD

I also COMPLETELY forgot about my math homework (thank you god for the amazing computer~!) we had to look up divisibility rules.... I hope I got them right xP AND my printer died so I had to e-mail my literacy paper to my (kinda sorta but not really) teacher, isn't that great? your printer dies when you need it most (is it Karma?????)

So I have a friend... one of several BEST friends... but I've known her the longest... and I'll dub her... MJ!!! (creative, right???) MJ came to my mom's jewelry party on Friday (which was pretty darn fun! but the jewelry was kinda to "grown up-ish" for us xD) and she slept over too (which always leads to insanity of some shape or form) and we were SOOO hyper xD OMG every time we see each other we get CRAZY hyper like.... if you're a friend of mine from school, and you've seen me hyper there multiply that by 100 or so.... yeah.... scary huh? But back to the point... me and MJ have had a pretty complicated background when it comes to jewelry *couchweactuallygotinafighaboutitonceanddidn'ttalktoeachotherforamonthcough*
WOW that's hard to type w/o spaces O.o
so we had a jewelry business together and it got insane xD so the geeks that we are were looking at rings with gemstones and stuff commenting on the clarity and stuff like that... SO interesting, right??? but that's just us :)

I love you MJ~!!!!!!

OK! so..... I still have stuffs to do... so I shall see you all later :D

OH!!! btw I totally forgot!!!!
go to youtube, type in mysteryguitarman and find his video "paper mosaic"
this is a video, a GREAT video and me and my baby sister, Mary sent in a picture of us holding a yellow piece of paper and I haven't found it yet T-T SO! if you can I would absolutely love it if you could find us!!!


goodbye my devoted fans (if I even have any....)
muah~! <3

Friday, April 9, 2010


sooooo there's this anime/manga series I REALLY like it's SO funny!


^link to some funny clips from the show

I highly reccomend this series... IT"S AMAZING!!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Choir: church and school

SO! We have this thingy at school called "May Fiesta" for all the choirs... I'm in Freshman choir... and I was SOO excited for our choreography, like really and truly excited! but NOOO we have to do a completely stupid hand motion routine with SOME moving side to side if we're lucky... this is in NO way choreography!!!! it makes me wanna cry....

MOVING ONNNN~! haha I'm going to a choir BBQ in a bit!! can't wait :D I love our (church) choir director... not really a fan of the school ones yay for food!!!

I'll blog some more laterrr!

<3 yall :D

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

AH! sorry!!!!

Hey!!! I haven't blogged in a couple days... sorry!!!! I had a (couple) devoted fan(s) who emailed me saying I needed to blog more... people are reading it, yay!!!

anyways, I had to go back to school and today I was sick and was sleeping most of the day :P

but anyways, POP QUIZ TIME!!!

I KNOW that you all watch youtube in some shape or form, who/what is/are your favorite people/things to watch on youtube? what do you like about them? what DON'T you like about youtube? leave a comment of some sort on your thoughts :)

sorry for this short post, I have to get back to the schoolwork I was SUPPOSED to be doing xD

<3 you all!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Time to get sick off of Chocolate bunnies, peeps, jelly beans, and foil eggs (or whatever other sugary snack you'll get) I've only had a few peeps and foil eggs and I'm already feeling sick.... I remember when I was little I could eat bunches and bunches of candy until I was sick... now it just takes 4 pieces of chocolate to make me sick :P but the kids had an outdoor Easter egg hunt for the first time in several years, I had to hunt too.. but I found 22 eggs without even trying xD Easter still has it's special magic over me... same with Christmas, even though my parents have told me it's them years and years ago!

it's so cute how the little kids wake you up and are squirming with excitement, and you remember how you felt the same way once upon a time. and they're finding eggs as fast as they can while you play along finding one egg at a time while rubbing the sleep outta your eyes.

Ah..... the joys of Easter....

but anyways, I hope you all have a blessed Easter!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter, separating, and memories

so... easter's tomorrow :) today me and mom get to color eggs, get the kids all excited for the Easter bunny and then stay up late after Easter Vigil and decorate. Honestly, I think the kids are WAY more excited for the candy since we rarely have any in the house.

But this Easter kinda signifies our first Easter with my parents separated. Next month will be the one year mark of my parents not living together. I was so scared, it's not even funny, to live in a place far from home, sleeping in a bed that isn't yours, even eating food that wasn't yours is unnerving. but there was still a sense of security for me. My experience in a battered womens shelter was something I wished, back then would never happen to me. But it did. we stayed there for a while and then went back home.. It was actually more scary to go back home than to go to the shelter.

so yeah! that's what I remember from last year :P

hope you all have a blessed Easter!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April fools day

Hey, it's April fools day! my least favorite day of the year (whoever created this day is a horrible person) I'm REALLY gullible and every year my friends play pranks on me and they always work!!! it's not fair cuz when I play pranks on them it NEVER works!

*sigh* but I THINK my boyfriend will be merciful and not play any on me (hopefully)

so, hope you all have an awesome April fools day (hopefully I will this year) and thanks for reading my blog this far!

I know it's been kinda depressing, but I'll be all happy-go-lucky again soon xD