Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter, separating, and memories

so... easter's tomorrow :) today me and mom get to color eggs, get the kids all excited for the Easter bunny and then stay up late after Easter Vigil and decorate. Honestly, I think the kids are WAY more excited for the candy since we rarely have any in the house.

But this Easter kinda signifies our first Easter with my parents separated. Next month will be the one year mark of my parents not living together. I was so scared, it's not even funny, to live in a place far from home, sleeping in a bed that isn't yours, even eating food that wasn't yours is unnerving. but there was still a sense of security for me. My experience in a battered womens shelter was something I wished, back then would never happen to me. But it did. we stayed there for a while and then went back home.. It was actually more scary to go back home than to go to the shelter.

so yeah! that's what I remember from last year :P

hope you all have a blessed Easter!

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