Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Aida... it begins....

so, after like 6 or 7 weeks of practices it's FINALLY begun.... AIDA..... so, to tell you the truth, I love this show to death, and what makes it even better is because we had a snow day after opening night I didn't have to drag my sleepy corpse to school and have to try to learn with my exhaustedly tired self. But I really will be sad when this show is over: 1) I will miss spending time with so many crazy amazing people 2) I'll have to get a job... yay.. But back to the MAIN subject... I really have felt very honored to be involved in this show with such an amazing cast and crew, it's really been a great 1st experience to have with being in a musical at Hoover, I'll miss all the seniors like crazy! (they're SO talented!) But last night was fun, we had our cast party witch consisted of lots of food, a DJ, and a bunch of awesome people dancing... it was pretty darn fun :) well, I'll post some more stuff later!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

ah, the day of love, chocolates and other crazy types of things that can make you stupid/sick... Don't get me wrong, I love valentines day and I LOVE chocolate but I think its a little overrated... can't you ask someone out on a day OTHER than valentines day? Can't you get the person you love a big stuffed teddy bear and a box of chocolates on a day OTHER than valentines day? And isn't it easier to get reservations to your dates favorite expensive restaurant on a day OTHER than valentines day? wouldn't it be even MORE romantic that way too? I know, valentines day was made by card companies to make money, but people use it as an excuse for everything, and what about the people who don't even remember valentines day and rush the day of to get their significant other flowers and stuff? Wouldn't it just be a whole lot sweeter to just give it to them randomly (AKA not on valentines day) and say "I was thinking of you and thought you'd like these" with a hand written note about how much you care about them? and how many couples last FOREVER when they start going out on valentines day? not a lot... and I'm not saying there aren't couples that last forever when starting to go out on valentines day but its just that whole "OMG I HAVE to ask whats-her-face out on valentines day or I'll never get another chance" kinda thing that drives me nuts... Again, I don't need a holiday as an excuse to tell someone how I feel. as a girl I have to say sure, getting something on valentines day is really nice, but most of us daydream something crazy spectacular that normally doesn't happen so we set ourselves up for disappointment AND I think its MUCH sweeter to give gifts on days that are not birthdays or holidays! even a card that says "I'm thinking of you" can just make my day 100% more amazing! so THAT my dear readers (real and imaginary) are my thoughts on valentines day, good luck if you have any crazy ideas andI'll have more thoughts later!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Dance....

...was... interesting... don't get me wrong, I love a good school dance like the one we had last night.. but sometimes people go a little too far in the craziness of dancing and letting go and all that crap... its just another piece of drama, I really did have fund, jumping around like idiots screaming lyrics to songs we know is all fun and that with friends. But you see people break promises and the stupidest little things (like not talking to someone all night)can be blown WAY outta proportion and it just makes you wanna yell at someone "get over yourself!" But it was basically like any other dance ive had... but i actually wanted to dance with a certian guy, even though he had a date.. I was even fine with just looking at him, but I didn't see him once... it kinda made me sad... but i guess that's life for you, you can't have everything!But yeah, people break others hearts and some mend others but it still ends up a big mess-type thing that usually drives me nuts... I guess I'm kinda venting right now but some people just drive me up a wall xP welp, I should prolly go now... more thoughts later~

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

a life update

today's a snow day.. more like an ice day, but it still means like everything is closed and it's too dangerous to drive... so I'm kinda stuck at home with nothing to do :/ well... I haven't really had an update on my life sooo... yeah... in school I'm doing pretty well, there was some stupid drama and that's pretty much over (It's really amazing how stupid people look once you open your eyes and don't take things personally anymore) I have a new crush now :) I know, I know, I move on really fast.. but I've liked this guy since Freshman year and... yeah... he's really awesome.... I wrote a 5 page paper about gay bashing that I'm really proud of. I learned that I have zero cold tolerance and ice-snow is no fun to walk in but VERY fun to take pictures of. The musical "Next to Normal" has basically taken over my life and I absolutely adore it (I'm prolly gonna see it in June!) I'm in the musical "Aida" and I'm having a lot of fun, it's lots of hard work but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be worth it in the end... AND I can do 15 push ups!!!! (AMAZING, right? at least for me~)I've also been talking to a guy my moms' friends' son is friends with and I'm really enjoying talking with him, it's nice to know that you're not alone in life :) (I might get to go have coffee with him soon!!) but that's really all that's going on with me!

More thoughts later