Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Dance....

...was... interesting... don't get me wrong, I love a good school dance like the one we had last night.. but sometimes people go a little too far in the craziness of dancing and letting go and all that crap... its just another piece of drama, I really did have fund, jumping around like idiots screaming lyrics to songs we know is all fun and that with friends. But you see people break promises and the stupidest little things (like not talking to someone all night)can be blown WAY outta proportion and it just makes you wanna yell at someone "get over yourself!" But it was basically like any other dance ive had... but i actually wanted to dance with a certian guy, even though he had a date.. I was even fine with just looking at him, but I didn't see him once... it kinda made me sad... but i guess that's life for you, you can't have everything!But yeah, people break others hearts and some mend others but it still ends up a big mess-type thing that usually drives me nuts... I guess I'm kinda venting right now but some people just drive me up a wall xP welp, I should prolly go now... more thoughts later~

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