Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

random spazz of infromation to utterly confuse you!!!

Summer, a joyous occasion.. a time of no school, when we're supposed to "HIT THE BEACH!", get a tan and just have a jolly good ol' time.. at least until you come back to North Canton... a boring little town with no beach, little to no sidewalks and is just dull... especially when basically ALL your friends are gone on vacation..

I miss them, my friends.... a LOT! they're the people I can entrust (almost) anything to, the ones who I can talk to when I'm depressed or just need to talk. it's depressing to not have them around all the time, I was so used to having their constant support and now that they're not here I think I'm going crazy!

"True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."

dang is that true.. mine isn't quite lost as it's... just not available right now..


I went to Borders today and bought "Pretty Little liars" can't wait to read that!!

by the way, before I leave you with your heads scratching I'll be singing on the outside patio of Robeks smoothies in Belden Village at 5 pm!!! come see me~!

peace :D

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