Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dancing! Bruises! MAGIC~!!!!!!! :D

soo... if you can't tell by the title I've been in Aida for the past 2-ish weeks.... at first the daily practices were pure pain and suffering (A.K.A me limping around school pitifully after the grueling 3-4 hour rehearsals) but now I feel.... graceful? But once I got over the incredible muscle pains I found multiple bruises all over my poor little body -___- which are pretty painful themselves sooo..... yea.... Pain has been pretty frequent for me lately... But lately rehearsals have been.... fun! For example: my back was feeling pretty stiff and I'm like "what the heck, I'll just stretch!" so I do this... half back bend-ish.. thing... and I come back up from my stretch and one of my fellow cast members is looking at me and then says "that was just magical...." I think it completely made my day :) I've had lots of other "only this type of thing could happen here" kinda moments.... lots of spirit fingers and somewhat-awkward poses. But after Aida I'm SO tired I normally eat, take a shower, talk to my family a bit, then go to bed.... I have seriously neglected hanging out with my friends... until today.... can you guess why?!?!?! WE HAD A FREAKING SNOW DAY! (I really hope we didn't have practice though... I didn't go!) sooo... more thoughts later~

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