Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Saturday, January 29, 2011

broken promises: a Rant

I'm not gonna lie.. I'm REALLY pissed.... We had an Aida promo day today, something (probably) most people would dread but I was kinda looking forward to. But the plug was pulled on me. by my father. who called this promo day a "hardship" for him. sure. be that way. but please tell me how waking up at 7:30 is a hardship. It's not like I'm asking you to get run over by a truck. or get attacked by mobsters. THOSE are hardships... and I seriously though by now YOU of all people would know what a REAL hardship is. I seriously wanted to go, I don't care how stupid it might of been in other peoples' opinions. Dad. Your house is my prison. I hate it here... I just wanted to get out. That one chance I had. you took away from me. People in the real world can get up that early without it being a hardship, that's sleeping in for them. but why should I compare dysfunction to normalcy? Maybe I'm the stupid one here. maybe I'm the selfish one here. I don't really care anymore though. I want out. please let me out. this prison...this life... is seriously killing me. you might think I'm overreacting about this if you're reading. But I've had too many broken promises. too many weekends in Akron feeling my brain melt because there's nothing other then vegging to do here. I want control of my own life. I don't want to have it controlled by other people just because they don't feel like taking me somewhere or they're just too old, too tired, or just don't feel like doing it. I know this is a serious rant. I don't know if anyone would read it. but I can't keep this bottled up inside of me. I can't. just the same way I can't face you dad. I can't say no. I'm too scared. I want out.

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