Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New year, new-ish stuff!

Hello my dear blog! oh how I've missed you... I'm sorry I haven't written in forever, my computer is dead and my mom won't let me use hers long enough for me to blog but I'm at my dad's now! so totally different story :D

So you know that guy that I really liked? Well, we ended up dating! It was pretty great at first, flirting all the time, watching movies at his house, bowling, all that fun stuff... But it was missing SOMETHING I tried to explain it to my mom and stuff but she didn't really get it... But some of my friends did... It's that spark, you know? The thing that REALLY makes you more than just friends, but I just wasn't feeling it... At all... Which is kinda depressing to tell you the truth because he's a REALLY nice guy... Probably the nicest guy I've ever met so yeaaa..... Whatever happens, happens, I'm basically just giving this to God. I know he'll turn me in the right direction, he always has.

The other day my friend told me to talk to my ex. So I did... I was actually planning on talking to him, I felt really bad for being such a Bitch to him.... Being a bitch (even though I can be one... a lot) just makes me feel all gross about myself. So I started talking to him on Facebook and he filled me in on all the drama I've missed (which is a LOT) so there's that :P But I'm going back to school tomorrow and I now have brown hair (none of my friends have seen me with brown hair!) which is my natural hair color, so that'll be pretty cool!

So I decided (because I had a serious lack of things to do) that I'm gonna work out regularly... I LOVE it! I feel so much better about myself, it's really great :) I run about... 8 miles a week, not AMAZING but that's not counting walking in school and walking the dog and anything else I do.

This New Year's was pretty fun! I was with my best friend, Jojo, and we stayed up watching the TV show, House, and it was SO fun!!!! I'm hooked on that and Dr. Who now~!

Hope your New year was awesome!
More thoughts later

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