Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Monday, March 29, 2010

Have you ever..

Have you ever yelled at someone until it hurts?
Have you ever cried until you puked?
Have you ever wished that someone you hated would fall into a hole and die?
Have you ever regretted saying that?
Have you ever injured someone, Physically or Mentally?
Have you ever BEEN injured like that?
Have you ever had a brilliant idea?
Have you ever thought it was horribly stupid later?
Have you ever been in the middle of a parents separation?
Have you ever had to act like an adult for years?
Have you ever been hated?
Have you ever been loved?
Have you ever thought there was no way things could get worse?
Have you ever found out they can?
Have you ever had everyone you know turned against you?
Have you ever fought back?

these are just SOME things I could throw out there (all have happened to me :P)
yeah... I think it's kinda REALLY depressing.. but it's just some random thoughts I've had :P
kinda like a "what if" moment... but they've all already happened to me.. so is "a flashback" the right word then? but anyways... I'll get my thoughts all happy again (I'm normally a super happy peppy person [say THAT 10 times fast!]) but I guess I just need some time to get my depressing thoughts outta the way so you don't have to feel sad every time you're done reading a post :P

thanks to everyone that's read this far! I hope you'll continue to read my stuff!!

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