Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Starting off..

Hey :) welcome to my blog!
If you're reading this you're either someone I forced to read this or you just stumbled across this while surfing the web... either way, hope you enjoy what you're about to read cuz I honestly dunno how this is gonna turn out!

well, I'm a singer... I LOVE to sing~! I have a youtube account (BlackRoseMK check it out!) but since my microphone broke (I sat on it and it snapped in two...) I haven't posted anything recently.
I'm learning Spanish and Japanese, two very awesome languages. and I like to act to :D

My life isn't REALLY exciting but it's not boring, oh no.... haha I've had a pretty wild ride the past year or two... my parents separated, I went to a private school, but didn't like it after 2 years, started at my public high school as the new girl and made lots of frends :)

so if you're not interested in any way about this blog, you honestly don't have to keep reading after this! (this is my 3rd attempt on a blog) But I just wanna put my thoughts and words out on the world wide web.

Love it? Hate it? let me know if anyone's actually reading this and COMMENT!!!!! please!!!! :D

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