Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

before I continue

ok, I'm not going to continue my NYC story just yet.

There are some people who are upset with my opinions about a certain person you know what? I gave the person a chance, no, there's nothing wrong with the person, but I DID give them a chance and they failed. I'm NOT going to be their friend, I'm not going to try either. I'm done, given up, moved on, end of story. please respect my feelings and opinions, because you can't change me. as quoted from one of my favorite books "a good opinion once lost is lost forever" this person has moved on and so have I. let's not bring back old problems and hurts. what's done is done. so, I think I've sold past the cloths a bit now..

thanks for reading and I'll be posting my pictures from NYC on facebook and blogging about it slowly but.. it's gonna happen :)

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