Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Thursday, June 10, 2010

NYC days 1 and 2

so I got to New York yesterday at around 4:30, John (one of our friends) welcomed us very nicely :) we made dinner and waited for susie to come back from work. we ate a VERY big dinner. and we all talked until almost midnight.

I woke up this morning and we ate breakfast, went to BJ's and came back. suzie called and me and Jeri got tickets to see West Side Story on BROADWAY! this is gonna be my FIRST Broadway show!!!! I'm SO excited :D I'll post how that goes later :)

so Dad wanted to take me to a New York Deli, the one he used to go to when he was a kid. we got horribly lost and we went through the whole, "you should ask directions" "no, if we get REALLY lost, I have my Tomtom!" so, we got REALLY lost and we pulled out the Tomtom... no GPS signal.... that was an "Oh shit..." moment we just kept driving and we FINALLY got a signal, we were almost to the Deli and my dad wasn't paying attention and almost ran through a red light, he slammed his breaks REALLY hard and... the breaks die... he still had enough to not kill us. we made it to the Deli and I had the most amazing roast beef sandwich on the face of this planet. I swear when I go back to the Ohio Deli my stomach will be crying for the amazing half pound of rare roast beef with mayo and lettuce and salt and pepper on a Kaiser bagel. yummmmm :)

so YEAH! we're at Mcdonalds now, I'm using my dad's computer to post this and all's well with the world, I wouldn't replace this with ANYTHING!

tonight west side story, tomorrow our tour of the city :)

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