Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Friday, June 18, 2010

prejudice and dysfunction

so.. being in New York got me thinking... why is it in new york city it's so inviting, you can be who you want and no one really makes a big deal out of it but in North Canton it's a HUGE deal if you're gay or dress a "weird" way or talk "funny" or aren't super rich or don't walk talk and act like everyone else on the planet? I think this is a horrible way to live, especially for the "weird" kids (A.K.A me) we're NOT that weird, we express ourselves differently, that's really all the difference. building on this subject I wanna talk about dysfunction: dictionary term-dys·func·tion also dis·func·tion (dĭs-fŭngk'shən) n. Abnormal or impaired functioning, especially of a bodily system or social group. I REALLY want to stress on this. EVERYONE is dysfunctional, I know, hard to hear.. right? I'm VERY dysfunctional, you're dysfunctional, your friends are dysfunctional, your parents are dysfunctional.. it's the cold hard truth. I have yet to meet a single family that is not dysfunctional. but we all choose to express our dysfunction in some way. I'm a control freak, I seek constant approval from my friends and peers... pretty bad, huh? but there are other ways people express dysfunction: constant use of cellphones and computers, sugar,food,sex drugs and alcohol addictions, spending money, breaking the law, constantly being in relationships, people pleasing,anorexia, bulimia, constantly exercising being a perfectionist..I could go on and on and on. if you don't fit into ANY of those (which you might not) maybe some of your friends do this. ALL of these are good... IN MODERATION but this is what's called "medication" it's how you make yourself high.. in a sense, it helps you feel better in some way, gives you control, but too much can lead to problems.. I'm not trying to be preachy, but I had NO idea about ANY of this until last year, my mom, who's in her mid- 40's had NO idea about this last year, but it's helped me, because it's not just me who goes through this, EVERYONE does. so I'm not better off than anybody and not worse off than anybody. but I've also learned that people LIKE to think of themselves as better than everyone because they feel bad, maybe even horrible about themselves, I've experienced it, and probably so have you.

NEWSFLASH: Normal is only a guideline, subject to interpretation. we are all unique. "normal" should not be used to portray a lifestyle or personality!

lots of people would disagree with my statement, I would have disagreed before I started at Hoover myself, especially since I live in such a small community. but once you leave the boundaries of North Canton Ohio you start to realize how wonderful "different" or "weird" people are, how "normal" can really just become a useless word, because honestly no one's normal. we're all entirely bonkers, all the best people are :)

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