Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fairy tales

I live in a fairy tail... and in it I always think I'm the pretty heroin Disney princess who gets whatever the hell she wants :/ damn was I wrong... what I THOUGHT was gonna be a perfect ending (A.K.A getting her prince from the evil spell of a nasty witch kinda thing)I was the friggen bad guy... I was the evil witch trying to steal "her" prince from the unfortunate princess.. but the prince saw what a horrible witch I was and went back to the beautiful princess because... honestly... who would fall in love with a witch?... so basically Dorothy threw water at the witch and the wicked witch melted.. the day is saved and the witch would soon be a forgotten memory... but REALLY... how could a friggen bucket of water in the face kill ME? I AM the friggen wicked witch after all... but honestly... I'm not all that bad... and decided to lay low so everyone THOUGHT I was dead.. but I'm very much alive... but all I can do is watch... I just watch and let my heart break over and over and over and cry my silent tears as the prince and princess happily skip into the sunset... and all I can think is... "that COULD'VE been me... but its not and probably never will be..." the prince loves the princess in a way I could've never been loved if he was with me, the witch. they've gone where I could never go, they've done things I could never do... not in my wildest dreams... and all I can do is cry my silent tears while I watch the prince be happy, I'll probably cry until I have no more tears to cry... and I can just hope the prince sees me.. or another one comes along and saves me from my daily anguish of being the wicked witch, loathed by the princess who knows I'm not really dead. But doesn't know my powers are gone, I can no longer touch her prince. She'll protect him from me, but what's there to protect him from? what's the point? the prince has totally forgotten me, no matter what I do he only has eyes for the princess....

honestly... who would love a witch??

more thoughts later


  1. AW!!!! MK!!!!! Oh... WICKED! That makes more sense! LOL! Haha! We love you! And It'll be good! LOVE!

    And... I think you spell Fairy Tails... Fairy Tales... Haha! LOVE YOU!


  2. whatever xD it was late... I'll fix it!
    and thanks :)
