Quote worthy

I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye
-The Doctor

Friday, August 27, 2010

Back to School

so, school started, I don't really have any complaints about it, just my locker's in the old part of the school so I am NEVER around it... but it won't be THAT bad :) all my teachers are AWESOME and I have a lot of classes with my friends!!! which makes me totally happy! In choir I'm a second soprano... again... but I can hit alto one and soprano one xD its crazy.... I found out in my ensemble (AKA choir you have to audition for) I have to be at my school at 6:30 in the morning on Mondays and Thursdays! yay... xP

the drama around me is quieting down... I'm not officially on a search for a boyfriend! hopefully I'll have one by September 26th (Homecoming) so I have a date :P doubt it'll happen though!

I kinda missed having something to do 5 days a week for 8 hrs a day.... I just wish we didn't have to wake up so early.... can't we have it like... 3 hours later? at least?

but who DOESN'T miss all the forced learning and rules and stuff??? -insert extreme sarcasm here- I know I DIDN'T! it was like once I finally was like "yeah! this summer is awesome! my friends are back and I can hang with them like, every day.." school started! -insert VERY sad face here-

so, I had and English project that wasn't due until Thursday... today's Friday.... I spent 3 hours doing the project... but it's done!!! and looks kick ass! and... I BETTER GET AN "A" BECAUSE THATS 3 HOURS I'LL NEVER GET BACK!!!!! -gasps for air- I'm used to putting stuff off until the last minute so this is a change for me O.o

but what REALLY sucks is I have a CRAZY early bedtime during the school week... I have to be in bed by 8.... or I get in trouble.... all I have to say is "hell, I'm not goin to bed at 8! I'm goin to bed whenever the hell I want!" but I get my mom's point that the kids will stay up if I'm awake... so... yeah....

more thoughts later

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